Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about GHASKA. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if further clarification is needed.

What is GHASKA?

GHASKA is a non-political and non-religious body comprising Ghanaians

admitted into recognized academic institutions in South Korea.

How do I become a member?

In accordance with the GHASKA constitution, once you are a Ghanaian student in Korea, you become an automatic member.

What is my role as a Member?

To support the Ghanaian diaspora in attaining excellence for national development, partnership and a cordial relationship between Ghana and South Korea. The major role includes;

  • To advance the best and highest attributes of humankind, both materially and spiritually.
  • To increase our sense of solidarity and patriotism while supporting and protecting Ghana’s independence and integrity.
  • Establishing a unified front for social campaigning on issues of growth, protection, and welfare.
  • To establish trusting relationships and cooperate with the Korean government and institutions for Ghana’s development projects.
Who is my university Rep?

The details of all the university Reps with their contact numbers are listed in the “About Us” section. Kindly refer to this page.

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